Alumnus Solo Show in Dhaka

We’re proud to share news of SPQ alumnus, Zaid Islam (’18), exhibiting his work in a solo show in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

zaid show in dhaka

The show is titled “I Once Was Colorblind,” and the artist statement reads as follows:

When I traveled to New York in 2016, many things in my life were in transition– family, education, career, life choices. I realized over time that my transitions were in parallel to dramatic shifts happening on a national scale. After November 8th that same year, all of America was trying to cope with something drastic, something unimaginable. There was a revival of fascist, misogynistic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, colonial and neocolonial white supremacist brutality. Some would say it never went away, but suddenly the masks and gloves were off.

In face of all this, I observed resistance. I became aware of the many different identities I carry. I am Muslim. I am Brown. I am an Immigrant.

The exhibition has been extended to April 15.

Find more details at the Facebook event page here. Congratulations, Zaid!